Thursday 31 October 2013

Still cleaning...

I'm afraid there is very little exciting to report - essentially we are still cleaning! The kitchen is looking significantly less greasy, fridge and freezer no longer look like a science experiment so now I am tackling the floor. Can you guess which grout has been tackled and which I haven't got to yet....

Monday 21 October 2013

What a Load of Rubbish

Well we have been house owners for 12 days now (certainly not homeowners - yet). 

We spent the first few days clearing out all the rubbish that the previous owner had left and trying to chase him for the payment for its disposal.

I am afraid I didn't get a final photo of all the rubbish that was left, as some of it was picked through and pieces of furniture and nic-naks taken to new homes. Then by the time we had cleared the garden and the loft I was too tired and annoyed to take any more photographs.

There were some positives though, pulling up the carpets revealed that the stairs are not in a terrible condition (as we had feared) so won't need to be replaced. After just a little tlc they look better already!