Wednesday 12 February 2014


We finally had a really productive weekend last week. Which started off with the fitting of our new door, which has gone from this:

Which although it does not look terrible in this photograph did not open/close or lock (none of which do I consider out of the normal remit for a door). 

But now it looks like this:

And we love it - the old rotten frame is gone, the room feels warmer already and you can see that the new centralised door actually opens out onto our centralised step, so there is a reduced risk of tripping down it!

M spent hours on our beautiful shelves, they look amazing, from the covered over back boiler, which you can just about see in the side of the chimney of this photo we took when we first viewed the property: 

To this: 

They need filling and painting, but they look great already. And finally in this other view you can see that we actually have some paint on a wall and a set up curtains up!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing - you have worked so hard and done so well :-)
